User:Vivaporius/Viva's Nation/V

From Omniversalis

Mikaean names[edit]

Given names[edit]

Biblical names (70)
Abigail Ailah Alona Alya Amira Amita Anaelle Anna Annabelle Arielle
Aya Ayala Barielle Beth Bethany Danielle Daphne Deborah Delilah Dinah
Edna Ella Eliana Elizabeth Esther Eve Hannah Hilla Jana Jessica
Johanna Josephine Judith Kayle Kerena Leah Leila Leora Lilla Mabelle
Madeline Mara Martha Mary Mia Michelle Mira Miriam Naomi Natalie
Noya Rachel Rae Rebecca Rina Ruth Salome Sapphira Sarah Sarielle
Sharon Susan Tabitha Talitha Tamar Uriella Vidette Yael Yaella Zillah
Virtue names (80)
Affinity Amity Blessing Bliss Blythe Bright Chance Charisma Charity Chase
Cheerful Clarity Clemency Comfort Concord Constance Cornelia Delight Destiny Divinity
Eloquent Epiphany Eternity Ethereal Euphoria Ever Faith Felicity Fedelity Generosity
Glory Grace Gracious Happy Harmony Haven Hope Irie Joy Justice
Kismet Liberty Light Love Mercy Merry Modesty Moxie Obedience Patience
Peace Pleasance Pleasent Praise Promise Prosperity Prudence Purity Reason Reverie
Royal Sage Secret Serendipity Serenity Silence Simplicity Sincere Temperence Truth
Unity Valiant Verity Victory Virtue Welcome Whimsy Winsome Wisdom Wonder
Floral names (180)
Ageratumea Alyssumea Amaranthia Amaryllia Amsonia Anemone Angelonia Anthuria Aquilegia Asteria
Astilbia Astrantia Aubreita Azalea Begonia Bergenia Blackblossom Blossom Bluebell Bouvardia
Buttercup Calendula Campanula Cardamine Cardinalia Carnation Celosia Chrysanthemum Clarkia Clematia
Clover Columbine Coreopsia Cosmosa Cotoneaster Crocosmia Crocusia Cyclamen Dahlia Daisy
Daphne Delphinia Desert Rose Dianella Dianthia Diascia Dicentra Dichondra Dutch Iris Echinacea
Echiumea Erica Erigerona Euphorbia Eustoma Forsythia Freesia Fritillaria Fuschia Gaillardia
Gardenia Gerania Gaura Gerbera Gladiolia Gypsophila Heather Hebe Helenia Heliotropa
Hellebore Hollyhock Honesty Hosta Hyacinth Hydrangea Hypericea Iberia Ilexa Impatiensia
Ipheiona Ipomea Ipomoea Iridacea Iris Ixia Ixora Jaborosa Jamesia Jasmine
Jonquila Kalmia Knautia Lantana Lavatera Lavender Lilac Lily Linaria Lisianthia
Lobelia Lonicera Lotus Lunaria Lupina Magnolia Mallow Mandevilla Marigold Matthiola
Mayflower Mimosa Mina Monarda Moonflower Muscaria Nemesia Nemophila Nepeta Nerine
Nicotiana Nigella Nolana Nymphea Orchid Peony Petunia Phloxa Plumeria Polyanthia
Poppy Primrose Primula Quincea Rondeletia Rose Rose of Sharon Rosemary Rudbeckia Salvia
Saponaria Scabiosa Scaevola Scilla Silene Snapdragon Snowdrop Snonflake Springblossom Statice
Strawflower Sunflower Syringa Thunbergia Tithonia Triteleia Tritonia Trollia Tropaeolia Tulipa
Ursinia Uva Verbena Veronica Vinca Viola Violet Wallflower Wandflower Waterlily
Watsonia Weigela Willow Windflower Wisteria Xylosma Xyria Yarrow Zenobia Zinnia

Name adfixes[edit]

Name adfixes (20)
Autumn Burning Desert Fire Evening Everlasting Glory in the Mist Morning of the Meadow
of the Valley Oriental Passion Peace Rose Spring Summer Sweet Whirling Winter

Generation names[edit]

Generation names (22)
Alepha Bethia Gimela Daletia Hea Wawea Zayina Hethia Tethia Yodha
Kapha Lamedia Mema Nunia Samekhia Ayina Pea Tsadia Qophia Resha
Shina Tawea

Potential names[edit]

Type I[edit]

Names consisting of Hebrew-originated given names, Irish clade and microclade names, and floral coterie names. Elements include:

  • Av – Meaning "of" (from Norwegian); indicates clade/microclade of origin
  • Med – Meaning "from" (from Norwegian); indicates coterie affiliation
  • Dauter/ssun – Meaning "daughter" or "son" (variation of "dotter/sson" from Old Norse)

Names are organized in a "top-down" fashion, with the name of the Mikaean provided first, and then the rest of their name from most important to least important. Order goes: Given name/Patronymic/Clade/Microclade/Coterie. Examples:

  • Abigail Jacobdauter Av'Ward-Durkin Med'Nymphea
  • Esther Michaeldauter Av'Neal-Sheahan Med'Hydrangea
  • Mabelle Aarondauter Av'Devereux-Cochrane Med'Gardenia
  • Ruth Josephdauter Av'Morgan-Drummond Med'Gypsophila
  • Sapphira Abrahamdauter Av'Burke-Veale Med'Xylosma

In common documentation and discussion, name would be provided as Esther Med'Hydrangea, rather than Esther Av'Neal-Sheahan, with additional context as clade of origin, father (and thus microclade), and place of birth provided as required. Due to the nature of Mikaean reproduction, several tens of thousands of female Mikaeans can share the same father, making identification by patronymic and clade name counterproductive and distasteful. Identification according to coterie name is far more helpful as coteries are either assigned names (in the case of matronic coteries), or agreed upon names (in the case of maiden coteries), making their use more unique within conversations and identification of Mikaeans within the same clade much easier to accomplish. Due to their scarcity and upbringing, male Mikaeans will commonly identify themselves by their clade name, as they do not enter into coteries and are instead raised by their fathers on their estates. Thus, a male will likely introduce himself as Jonathan Av'Ward-Scannell or Jonathan Ephraimssun.

Type II[edit]

Names developed from a complex number of agreed upon name elements from an index written up by the ruling patriarchs of the Mikaegeny.

Examples of these names include:

  • Female names
    • Mykell Mykol Blackstone (M. M. B.) LII Sabaelyn Alasulaémya
    • M. H. S. Yaesula Tyasullamya
    • M. H. P. Janellaé Helynuémya
    • M. K. K. Elavana Sulanoramya
    • M. K. D. Finellyn Baelluémya

Due to their vast numbers and lack of immediate personal identification, Mikaeans are only ever given names as a reward for service, as a consequence of their advancement in rank, or posthumously if determined their death was worthy of honoring with a name.

The term "miya" is a generic classification used by the patriarchs to refer to all female Mikaeans regardless of rank or status, and names are only rewarded as a direct consequence of completing an important task, advancing to a rank of importance, or as a way of honoring their service to the Highfather. Because of this, all Mikaeans hold a great deal of disdain and offense at the concept of being referred to by the term "miya", and can be commonly provoked into anger by such behavior. Indeed, the revocation of a name as a punishment is a great source of shame to the individual, once which strips them of their hard-won individuality and returns them to a state of "unpersonhood" all to common within the Mikaegeny, and reverts them to a status of just yet another drone.

See also[edit]