User:Vivaporius/Viva's Nation/IV

From Omniversalis
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The rise of Faith Militant orders across the Mikaegeny has been viewed with a great deal of concern by the Highfather. The expansion of militarism throughout his offspring in direct violation of his requests that

Orders of the Faith Militant

The first orders of the Faith Militant were established by groups of Mikaeans who believed that it was their duty to protect their sisters from the forces of their human neighbors. Until the time of the militant orders, no unified military force existed for the Mikaegeny, which relied heavily upon diplomacy to stave off its much larger neighbors. The Sacred Order of the Highfather's Chosen, Daughters of the Deathwatch, the Obsidian Guard of the Daughters of Mikael, and the Blackshields of the Highfather, were all established as various armed forces sworn to the protection of their countless sisters and the father of their people.

These four original "founder" orders were joined by dozens of other militant orders that would come to field their own forces within agreed upon regions of the Mikaegeny, each taking a "sphere of responsibility" in the region they originated in or claimed to be under their protection. The Highfather expressed concern with the increasingly religious nature of his daughters' knightly organizations, as the innate religiosity of his children combined with their oft violent tendencies, resulted into a rabid zealotry that was itself responsible for the rise of the militant orders. Having originally sought to establish a patriarchal society rather than a clerical one, the Mikaeans molded the Highfather's intended view into a pseudo-religious cult-like society with a clergy and doctrine, and ultimately established the role of "Reverend Mistress" who would interact directly with the Highfather as an intermediary.

The formation of the militant orders only served to inflame the already deeply-religious nature of the new Mikaean social structure, and having neglected to establish a proper military force as a venting system, the Highfather inadvertently aided in providing his children with a "divine mission" in the form of protecting the family.

List of cities in the Mikaegeny

  1. Ashen Conclusion ✓
  2. Black Garden ✓
  3. Blade of Martyrdom ✓
  4. Blessed Redeemer
  5. Blessed Savior
  6. Blessed Waters ✓
  7. Circle of Labor ✓
  8. Clairvoyant Vision ✓
  9. Consecrated Void
  10. Consecrated Waters ✓
  11. Elysium of Light ✓
  12. Eternal Reward
  13. Eternal Salvation
  14. Father's Floodgates
  15. Father's Mercy ✓
  16. Father's Wisdom
  17. Final Redemption
  18. Flames of Malediction ✓
  19. Fundamental Truth
  20. Glorious Song ✓
  21. Glory of Salvation
  22. Graceful Ascent ✓
  23. Grand Cathedral (capital)
  24. Great Conclave
  25. Guiding Star ✓
  26. Hallowed Ground
  27. Heaven's Assertion
  28. Heaven's Judgement
  29. Hierarch's Triumph ✓
  30. Highfather's Seclusion
  31. Holy Fire
  32. House of Martyrs ✓
  33. Iconoclast's Folly ✓
  34. Immolation of Apostates ✓
  35. Judgement Seat ✓
  36. Light of Heaven
  37. Maiden's Battlement ✓
  38. Martyr's Faith
  39. Matron's Pity ✓
  40. Melodious Gospel ✓
  41. Might of Zeal
  42. Penitent's Crown ✓
  43. Perpetual Sin ✓
  44. Perdition's End ✓
  45. Priestess' Halo
  46. Purity Hope
  47. Reconciliation
  48. Redemption ✓
  49. Repentant Supplication
  50. Righteous Sentence
  51. Sacred Relic ✓
  52. Saint's Domain ✓
  53. Sanctity of Salvation
  54. Silver Feathers ✓
  55. Spires of Illusion ✓
  56. Spring of Belief
  57. Striking Stone
  58. Throne of God
  59. Time of Salvation
  60. Tomb of Martyrs
  61. Trinity Sanctum
  62. Triumph of Truth
  63. Truth of Reason
  64. Undulating Praise
  65. Valley of the Faithful ✓
  66. Vaults of Destitution ✓
  67. Zealot's Rage