Module:Road data/strings/HRV

From Omniversalis
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Road data/strings/HRV/doc

-- Croatia
local HRV = {}

HRV.E = {shield = "E%route%-HR.svg",
         link = "European route E%route%",
         abbr = "E%route%"}

HRV.A = {shield = "Autocesta A%route%.svg",
         link = "A%route% (Croatia)",
         abbr = "A%route%"}

HRV.B = {shield = "Brza cesta B%route%.svg",
         link = "B%route% (Croatia)",
         abbr = "B%route%"}

HRV.D = {shield = "Državna cesta D%route%.svg",
         link = "D%route% road (Croatia)",
         abbr = "D%route%"}

HRV.L = {shield = "L%route%-HR.svg",
         link = "",
         abbr = "L%route%"}

HRV.Z = {shield = "Z%route%-HR.svg",
         link = {ifexists = true,
                 default = "Ž%route% road (Croatia)"},
         abbr = "Ž%route%"}

HRV["Ž"] = HRV.Z

return HRV