Module:Find sources/links

From Omniversalis
Revision as of 14:43, 28 May 2017 by Vivaporius (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Find sources/links/doc

-- This is a list of link subpages of [[Module:Find sources]]. It is used to
-- generate the automatic documentation.

return {
	["bing"] = true,
	["duckduckgo"] = true,
	["google"] = true,
	["google books"] = true,
	["google free images"] = true,
	["google news"] = true,
	["google newspapers"] = true,
	["google scholar"] = true,
	["highbeam"] = true,
	["jstor"] = true,
	["new york times"] = true,
	["vgrs"] = true,
	["wikipedia library"] = true,
	["wikipedia reference search"] = true