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===Consciousness and thought===
===Consciousness and thought===
===Motivation and emotion===
===Motivation and emotion===
As is the case within the human species, the motivations behind Mikaean behavior and emotions is poorly understood. What is known for a certainty is that the Mikaeans place the needs of their community above that of themselves individually, resulting in a society which is generally less prone to instability and violence. The Mikaeans are universally-documented as being meek, timid, bookish, cordial, and risk-adverse, preferring to enjoy their lives free of the worries that tend to plague the world around them. There exists a universal love for faith and knowledge which appears to be the primary motivating factor for much of what the Mikaeans do, and out of a desire to see both fulfilled, the Mikaeans generally obtain what they consider to be the primary sources for joy and happiness. However, while this assessment is mostly true on the front, the Mikaeans possess as wide range of complex and powerful emotions as present within humans, which play a substantial role in their individual behavior and interactions with others.
As is the case within the human species, the motivations behind Mikaean behavior and emotions is poorly understood. What is known for a certainty is that the Mikaeans place the needs of their community above that of themselves individually, resulting in a society which is generally less prone to instability and violence. The Mikaeans are universally-documented as being meek, bookish, cordial, and risk-adverse, preferring to enjoy their lives free of the worries that tend to plague the world around them. Furthermore, all Mikaeans display a significant degree of timidity and naiveté that has caused them to react in a anxious and reserved manner when dealing with outsiders they encounter. A Mikaean tends to be prone to bouts of anxiety brought on by the over-analyzation of an issue, which tends to eat away at their thoughts and feelings, and causing them to frequently withdraw from encounters with others. There exists a universal love for faith and knowledge which appears to be the primary motivating factor for much of what the Mikaeans do, and out of a desire to see both fulfilled, the Mikaeans generally obtain what they consider to be the primary sources for joy and happiness. However, while this assessment is mostly true on the front, the Mikaeans possess as wide range of complex and powerful emotions as present within humans, which play a substantial role in their individual behavior and interactions with others.

Indeed, while most members of the species tend to present themselves with as possessing predominately gentle and reserved personalities, they are almost universally-driven by their emotions, with the most powerful being their aforementioned passion for religion and the sciences, and the often times all-consuming envy they possess toward others groups and individuals. These two emotions alone are responsible for driving the majority of Mikaean behavior, with their envy fueled by a personal resentment for the knowledge or skills in the possession of another a rival group, and thus fueling their passion to learn and expand their understanding of their surroundings. Mikaean envy is especially potent, as it can extend to anyone or anything, and often the reasons behind these sudden changes in emotions vary wildly and are thus unpredictable. As a general rule, anything can potentially anger a Mikaean or set them on a path of hostility toward an individual or group of individuals whom they had once viewed innocuously. It has often been observed that the Mikaeans typically spend inordinate amounts of time brooding over issues beyond their control, though in many cases, have been known to organize secret community gatherings to collectively carry out a plan that will often produce negative consequences for the target of these gatherings.
The overall consensus is that while the Mikaeans are indeed a genuinely polite and caring people, they can overly cautious and apprehensive as individuals, and should their fears and insecurities become to dominant, then they can easily become hostile, spiteful, and manipulative to an extraordinary degree. They will seek to avoid conflict where possible, but will snap to violence if they feel threatened. While most members of the species tend to present themselves with as possessing predominately gentle and reserved personalities, they are almost universally-driven by their emotions, with the most powerful being their aforementioned passion for religion and the sciences, and the often times all-consuming envy they possess toward others groups and individuals. These two emotions alone are responsible for driving the majority of Mikaean behavior, with their envy fueled by a personal resentment for the knowledge or skills in the possession of another a rival group, and thus fueling their passion to learn and expand their understanding of their surroundings. Mikaean envy is especially potent, as it can extend to anyone or anything, and often the reasons behind these sudden changes in emotions vary wildly and are thus unpredictable. As a general rule, anything can potentially anger a Mikaean or set them on a path of hostility toward an individual or group of individuals whom they had once viewed innocuously. It has often been observed that the Mikaeans typically spend inordinate amounts of time brooding over issues beyond their control, though in many cases, have been known to organize secret community gatherings to collectively carry out a plan that will often produce negative consequences for the target of these gatherings.

===Sexuality and love===
===Sexuality and love===