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Hunter-killers, or HuKs, are lightly-armed voidships employed by the League for internal patrol duties and customs enforcement. Whereas their skimmer counterparts are equipped with heavy weapons such as fusion and particle beam cannons, the hunter-killers are mostly limited to most modest yet potent weapons, such as laser emitters and ordinance launchers to fulfill the limited combat roles they might encounter. The hunter-killers are typically crewed by fresh recruits and newly-minted naval officers before they are reassigned to more prestigious postings on larger voidships. Hunter-killers operate almost entirely within the colonial and frontier systems of the League, where the presence of larger and more potent military vessels is deemed as either being too expensive or unnecessary for the needs of maintaining law and order in the system. As a rule, hunter-killers operate in groups of two or four, and only ever break off from their groups individually if deemed absolutely necessary, as the threat of an ambush by pirate flotillas or being marooned in space without immediate support are constant threats for the hunter-killers and its crew. Hunter-killers are the smallest military vessels in use with the League capable of independent patrol duties, with scales ranging between 50-80 meters in length, and usually run with a complement of 30 to 50 personnel and 10 to 20 marines depending upon the areas of patrol assigned to the vessel.
Hunter-killers, or HuKs, are lightly-armed voidships employed by the League for internal patrol duties and customs enforcement. Whereas their skimmer counterparts are equipped with heavy weapons such as fusion and particle beam cannons, the hunter-killers are mostly limited to most modest yet potent weapons, such as laser emitters and ordinance launchers to fulfill the limited combat roles they might encounter. The hunter-killers are typically crewed by fresh recruits and newly-minted naval officers before they are reassigned to more prestigious postings on larger voidships. Hunter-killers operate almost entirely within the colonial and frontier systems of the League, where the presence of larger and more potent military vessels is deemed as either being too expensive or unnecessary for the needs of maintaining law and order in the system. As a rule, hunter-killers operate in groups of two or four, and only ever break off from their groups individually if deemed absolutely necessary, as the threat of an ambush by pirate flotillas or being marooned in space without immediate support are constant threats for the hunter-killers and its crew. Hunter-killers are the smallest military vessels in use with the League capable of independent patrol duties, with scales ranging between 50-80 meters in length, and usually run with a complement of 30 to 50 personnel and 10 to 20 marines depending upon the areas of patrol assigned to the vessel.

Dropships are designed to facilitate the rapid ascent and descent of passengers, troops, equipment, and cargo to a planet and orbital facilities. There are various sizes and classes of dropship in use with the League of Civilized Worlds, with the primary division being between civilian and military dropship classes. Civilian dropships classes are made up of passenger dropships, cargo/tanker dropships, and industrial dropships, with the latter designed to transfer mining and manufacturing equipment to the surface of a celestial body that are utilized in non-urban/colonial projects. Tankers carrying liquefied chemicals, petroleum, or natural gas, are built with specially-designed condensers which are resistant to changes in pressure inside and outside of the dropship itself. Finally, passenger dropships which are among the most common dropships in general use, are designed to ferry hundreds or even thousands of passengers from one planet or moon to another, either independently if in-system, or to a mothership if moving between star systems.

Military dropships are similar to civilian dropships to some extent in terms of the general roles they fulfill in their function as ferries. However, these vessels are typically larger in size, and have the benefit of being equipped with high-powered lasers and missiles which allow them to deal with interceptors and potential threats to the vessel and its passengers and cargo. Other classes in use are those which transport aerospace vehicles such as fighters, helicopters, and drones, as well as specialized military cargo dropships which utilize as much of their internal space as possible to deliver armored vehicles, combat exosuits, and artillery pieces among others to the surface. As a standard, all major military dropships designed for the deployment of troops to a planet, will have troop dropships, aerospace dropships, and cargo dropships, with the troop dropships designed to carry a single battalion top the surface along with all of their light equipment.

Upon landing on a terrestrial body, the dropship will function as both a temporary barracks as well as a forward operating base and headquarters for the troops released from its hold. Likewise, with the extensive weapons system built into the dropship, the vessel is capable of also providing a protective field of fire for the troops in the area attached to it, much like the firebases of the United States during the Vietnam War. So effective are these interlocking fields of fire provided by the dropships, that most opposing forces generally avoid assaulting the landing zones of the League dropships for fear of attracting laser, railgun, and missile attacks from the dropship crews. All military dropships in service with the League have the capacity of functioning as sources of power for the military bases which are constructed nearby, as the troops they deliver will have no access to the local power grid until progress has been made to secure them during the coming battle.

===Troop megaships===
===Troop megaships===