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Void habitats as they are currently known will be entirely outmoded by the advent of anti-gravity technology. All utilize some form of rotation to support the permanent population onboard, and their entire structure is designed to facilitate this function. All levels of a habitat are built around the walls of the superstructure, and as with voidships, it would be entirely implausible to simply rebuilt the stations with the new technology incorporated with horizontal decks. In many ways, the existing vertical system is more beneficial, as it allows for more space within the interior of the station, and allows for a wider range of ships to dock within. It will take decades for corporations to design new habitats that provide many of the benefits stations with artificial gravity now possess, and given the nature of the corporations themselves, they will no doubt seek to avoid having to do so for as long as they can reasonably get away with. On a more terrestrial level, anti-gravity has opened a number of doors for civil engineers and architects, who are now no longer restrained by the effects of gravity upon buildings and facilities. However, at the moment, the technology remains far to expensive for them to use on a small scale, and will likely remain so for many decades.
===Gravity manipulation===
*Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces in nature;
**Strong nuclear force binds quarks and nuclei together is a hundred times more powerful than;
**Electromagnetic force which binds electrons to their atoms and atoms to other atoms, and is a million times more powerful than;
**Weak nuclear force which is responsible for radioactive decay in nature, and is trillion trillion times more powerful than;
**Gravity which only possesses an attractive component which brings to objects together
*Anti-gravity is the concept that gravity has a repulsive component to it as an opposite to the attractive force it typically has
*Anti-gravity is different from artificial gravity, which is generated by creating a rotation force to maintain a semblance of gravitation force within the environment
*Gravity manipulation could be possible, though it would have far more applications in society beyond generation of gravitational forces within a weightless environment
*Dark energy is believed to be a potential source of anti-gravity that will allow for the manipulation of gravity, though there is no known method for manipulating dark energy
**Dark energy is the force found to be responsible for the rapid expansion of the universe beyond the speed of light; no understanding of where it comes from or how to generate it
*The ability to produce gravitational fields when and where you want would open the following possibilities:
**Generation of the fusion possess found inside the core of stars within a controlled reactor; the mass of a star is great enough to smash atoms together and generate the vast quantities of energy that power stars
**Gravity or anti-gravity can be used to bend light away from an object, such as red-shifting high-frequency lasers to make them weaker when the hit
**Can be used to build massive telescopes through the use of gravitational lensing, which is normally caused by black holes or large galaxies and diffuse stellar objects
**Can be used to slow down time within a spot through the use of a powerful anti-gravity field, or if done as a uniform field can be used safely on people as well
**Can generate slow-time stasis within a localized area such as a food box or a stasis chamber for crew during a period of long-term travel
**Dangerously old and supermassive stars can have the fusion within their cores decreased and the matter from them (via starlifting) to prevent their expansion and the resulting supernova
**Gravity manipulation would allow for the construction of super-tall buildings without them collapsing under their own weight
**Terraforming of small moons and asteroids made possess to maintain atmosphere and comfortable gravity levels for the residents
**If scaled up large enough, could be used to reverse the effect of the universe's expansion by dragging galaxies back into place that are being pushed away by dark energy
*Megastructures such as ringworlds and birch planets would be feasible to construct, as their collapsing into gravitational singularities due to the vast amounts of matter used to construct them
*The interior of a black hole could be viewed safely through the manipulation of the gravitation fields around it, while wormholes and warp drives could be developed as the negative matter required could be generated
*As for the offensive capabilities of gravity manipulation:
**Suns can be detonated by ramping up their gravity and causing the level of fusion within them to increase and cause a premature supernova within the system
**Planets could have their gravity removed and causing it to explode under its stored heat energy, which would be released rapidly through the crust causing its disintegration
**Spaceships and planets could be crushed under their own weight by ramping up the gravity within the space around them and causing them to collapse
*Floating cities made possible without the need for some form of buoyancy, active support, or some other sort of flotation systems
*Time could be sped up, such as in constant-rate nuclear decay reactors, as well as bend space and time; this alone allows for the following:
**The reversal of entropy (the decay of all matter - organic or inorganic)
**Makes faster-than-light travel and time travel become viable
**Inter-dimensional travel becomes a possibility
*The following uses for starlifting are listed as:
**To collect hydrogen;
**To collect other elements;
**To create heavy elements via transmutation
**To extend the life of a dying star;
**To decrease the brightness of a star;
**To create new stars;
**To prevent a large star from exploding
*Hydrogen from a star converted into helium to produce energy by nuclear fusion
*Fusion power follows the same process of converting hydrogen into helium to be used as a source of energy
*Gas giants useful as a source of hydrogen as the gravity is lower making extraction easier
*The uses for hydrogen are as follows:
**Hydrogen is the most abundant matter in the universe, and thus is useful as plentiful source of mass in the construction of megastructures such as shellworlds
**One of the best radiation shields; can stop high-energy radiation, and thus can be used as a protective layer around artificial space habitats
**Can be harvested and combined with oxygen (the third most abundant element in the universe) to produce vast quantities of water
*Metallicity of a star measures every other than hydrogen and helium; stars grouped into units known as Population 1/2/3, which indicate the amount of metal within them
**Type I (Metal Rich) - About 2% of the star's mass is comprised of metals
**Type II (Metal Poor) - Typically hotter and bluer than metal rich stars
**Type III (Metal Super poor) - Oldest stars in the universe, virtually no metals left within them
**Metals of a star typically spread throughout a star due to the convective nature of the star
**All the metals within the Sun alone would have a mass approximately six thousand times that of Earth
*Transmutation of elements would allow the creation of other elements through the use of nuclear fusion, from which heavier elements are produced
*Hydrogen could be turned into iron via the method above, while also generating power from the process; helium could also be turned into carbon as well
*The entire process of transmutation allows for the production any element desired, as well as providing a source of power for the inhabitants
*Removal of helium and other elements would allow for the extension of a star's lifetime almost indefinitely
*Decreasing the mass of a star would also make it easier to pull matter from it for use in other items such as dyson swarms
*The dimming of a star also decreases the amount of material needed construct something like a dyson swarm or power collectors
*Starlifting can be accomplished via the following methods:
**Thermal drive outflow (TDO) - Easiest and most feasible method within current technological limits, but the slowest of the three in collecting matter
**Centrifugal acceleration - Fastest method but the most inefficient due to method of matter collection; likely used to rapidly remove mass from a star than collect it
**"Huff-n-Puff" method - Most efficient method; similar to TDO method but with more matter drawn from the star
*If using Sun's entire energy output at 100% lifting efficiency, a single Earth's worth of mass could be removed every century, dismantling the Sun within about 30 million years
*10% lifting efficiency would be extremely impressive due to the vast levels of energy required to remove mass from the Sun within optimal levels; entire process would be slow regardless of efficiency