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Regardless, passenger travel between worlds and even solar systems is relatively inexpensive as a portion of the passenger's annual income. Much like flying between locations on a planet, interplanetary travel is subject to price hikes and class division in terms of seating arrangements and provisions provided by flight staff. Passenger voidships come in a wide variety of sizes to cater to the different needs of the corporations which own them, and the planets they are servicing. The companies responsible for providing interplanetary travel are known as "voidlines", and provide passenger and freight services to planets, moons, and stations all throughout the League. The average mid-sized civilian transit voidship carries between 4,000-6,000 passengers for a fair of about 250 to 500 credits per person. Accommodations are packed and movement often limited, as space must also be provided for cargo, food, water, and other crucial supplies as everything must be in stock prior to setting out to space, given the known fact that rescue or resupply will be days away should something fail in mid-transit.
===Interstellar travel===
===Wormhole gates===
All League systems are connected to one another via a network of wormhole gates. All gates within the League were developed initially by the Mikaeans, and later improved upon by the Hilam and ''TBD'' during the League era. Each gate is constructed by a self-sustaining pod of drones launched from a neighboring system occupied by the League of Civilized Worlds. These pods are launched at near-light speed, moving approximately 99% the speed of light for the bulk of the journey. So as to maximize the number of habitable worlds available to the League at any given time, and to cut back on the exorbitant cost of producing these gates, the federal government launches these pods in timed periods of expansion, usually lasting for a period of fifty years before the next period of expansion begins. The last such expansion phase was approximately thirty-seven years prior to the modern day. Travel through the gates is instantaneous, as the same technology used for the utilization of TPNs in the League are also used for the gate system, albeit on a vastly greater scale. Gates are connected to one another on a strictly 1-to-1 basis. While connections can be altered to a different location, the link can only be made to another deactivated gate, and never to powered one. As of the present day, League scientists are not yet aware if there is an upper-limit to the number of gates a system can host, or if such a limit even exists.
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Troop complement taken from ship mass divided by mass of ''America''-class amphibious assault ship, and multiplying it by the number of crew on the latter. ''America''-class vessel designed specifically for transporting large numbers of combat-ready marines into hostile warzone along with all of the equipment that force would need for short-term deployment. The latter "ideal" version of the megaship balances out the size and mass of the vessel, and lowers the number of troops onboard to account for food, supplies, weaponry, vehicles, base-building materials, and the frame of the ship itself. A single megaship would be able to provide all of the equipment necessary for a large landing force, along with all of the supplies necessary for up to a year's worth of high-intensity combat. This assumes that there would be no rapid resupply of the forces planetside, and the need for the troops to hold out long enough for the League to send additional vessels to aid in the planetary operations.
===Urban housing===