User:Vivaporius/Sandbox/League of Civilized Worlds/III: Difference between revisions

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====Single-family houses====
Due to the rapidly-expanding population of the League, single-family housing is rarely rare outside of the predominately rural or underpopulated planets in some of the League's star systems. For instance, agricultural worlds which have devoted themselves to the production of foodstuffs for the League, are legally-permitted to restrict the number of residents allowed to reside on the planet, with special exceptions made for those who are native to the planet itself. As such, there tends to be large swathes of land free for the population to use for their housing needs, and with this the majority of housing on these worlds tend to be of the single-family type. On more urban planets, single-family housing still exists in large qualities, but they are using found as suburbs of major urban centers, or in regions where the population density is low enough so as not to require the construction of extensive apartment blocks in the area. In these regions, neighborhoods not unlike those found on Earth can still be found with all of the trademarks of single-family housing included.
Typically, the wealthy maintain large mansions outside of the urban centers of the League as second homes or even as their primary residence. These homes tend to be found in locations exclusive to those with the funds to pay for the plot of land, or in regions with scenic vistas on land that is either to rocky or too remote to allow for the average middle-class worker to build a home there. Slums are still known to exist in some parts of the League, but these are usually rare. Regardless, slum housing can be found predominately in the single-family form, generally as the family builds a home for themselves using whatever materials they have on hand to protect themselves from the elements. These so-called "dark zones" are rarely patrolled by law enforcement, and the zoning regulations tend to be non-existent, as no government official cares enough to enforce the zoning regulations of the state in these areas.
====Individual housing====
===Artificial habitats===