User:Vivaporius/Sandbox/League of Civilized Worlds/III: Difference between revisions

Line 333:
*'''Short-range jump pack''' — ''TBD''
*'''Combat helmet''' — ''TBD''
===Space-based weapons===
===Personal weapons===
*Projectile weapons
*Beam weapons
====Antimatter guns====
Antimatter guns, commonly known as starburst weapons, are extremely destructive weapons which utilize antimatter-catalyzed fusion to produce large detonations from small shell projectiles. While designed for handheld usage on the battle, due to the explosive potential and radiation hazard they pose to the user, the use of antimatter weapons in close quarters combat are prohibited by the military, and civilians are banned from purchasing or using them by the government. Larger antimatter weapons designed for use in space, operate in a similar manner as the small starburst weapons, but utilize annihilation reactions directly to achieve more powerful explosions in combat. The man-portable weapons are expressly designed for use with exosuit units and combat engineers, the former for assault operations and the latter for clearing operations and urban combat scenarios. Antimatter weapons