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===Wormhole gates===
All League systems are connected to one another via a network of wormhole gates, or voidgates. All gates within the League were developed initially by the Mikaeans, and later improved upon by the Hilam and ''TBD'' during the early League era. Each gate is constructed by a self-sustaining pod of drones launched from a neighboring system occupied by the League of Civilized Worlds. These pods are launched at near-light speed, moving approximately 99% the speed of light for the bulk of the journey. So as to maximize the number of habitable worlds available to the League at any given time, and to cut back on the exorbitant cost of producing these gates, the federal government launches these pods in timed periods of expansion, usually lasting for a period of fifty years before the next period of expansion begins. The last such expansion phase was approximately thirty-seven years prior to the modern day. Travel through the gates is instantaneous, as the same technology used for the utilization of TPNs in the League areis also used for the gate system, albeit on a vastlyfar greater scale. GatesVoidgates are connected to one another on a strictly 1-to-1 basis. While connections can be altered to a different location, the link can only be made to another deactivated gate, and never to powered one. As of the present day, League scientists are not yet aware if there is an upper-limit to the number of gates a system can host, or if such a limit even exists. However, existing federal law regulating the use of voidgates prohibits the connection of more than one gate to another.
According to federal law, all member systems of the League of Civilized Worlds are required to place their wormhole gates in regions of local space accessible to all major population centers within that system. Normally, in systems where most of the celestial bodies have been colonized, the wormhole gate will be located near the "center" of the system's primary population centers. For instance, in the TBD system, wormhole gates are located between TBD and TBD, each of which has more than five billion permanent inhabitants. Alternatively, all wormhole gates will be placed in a location deemed to be sufficiently distant enough from the system's stellar bodies to ensure no harm to the traffic entering and exiting the gate, as well as ensuring the physical integrity of the gate itself. This is not to mention avoiding any potential danger to upsetting the gravitational orbits of celestial bodies in the system while the gate itself is active. Depending on the star in question, the gate may be located at the edge of a system's habitable zone, or a particular number of astronomical units (AU) from the star itself. This setup is the most common one within the League, as it ensures all colonies have equal access to the gates, as well as placing them within a reasonable enough distance from the star that it doesn't take more than a week to travel from the inhabited world to the gate. Overall, transit times of more than a week to and from a gate to a populated world are rare, and usually avoided as a state policy.
The voidgates themselves are not "gates" in the traditional sense of a circular opening into the throat of the wormhole itself. Rather, these gates are man-made constructs surrounding a spherical wormhole at its center. The laws of physics surrounding the operation of wormholes also means that the system on the other side of the gate is visible to all close enough to view the interior of the wormhole, and while transiting the gate itself no time appears to pass to the viewers both within the voidship entering or the viewers at the gate stations on either side. Rather, the voidship passes seamlessly through the gate, with passengers watching as the throat of the wormhole passes around them as they cross over into the other system. The superstructure surrounding the wormhole itself is built to maintain a gravitational constant at the center where the throat of the wormhole is formed and forced to open to a radius of approximately 5 kilometers, allowing a high level of mass to enter and exit the wormhole without "blocking" it and forcing a violent closure. The energy supplies demanded to maintain the wormhole are high, and to ensure that the wormhole does not collapse due to a lack of sufficient power, the superstructure of the gate is divided into four parts, each of which has two power stations capable of picking up with one of the others has failed, ensuring a total of four redundancies in the gate system. The collapse of a wormhole gate would be disastrous, though to date, no such event has occurred in the history of interstellar travel within League space or that of its neighbors. Of the few interstellar treaties to exist between the great powers, the deliberate destruction of a voidgate is legally-regarded as an unpardonable war crime.
<strike>All interstellar travel within the League is performed via a network of artificial wormhole gates, with the wormhole spacial anomalies are stabilized and linked together via a region of space known as the Hub. This hub houses gates to each of the existing 63 wormhole gates within League space, as well as an additional 63 gates within the area of the Hub. Both the federal government and well-known and highly-respected astronomers and physicists throughout the region, remain unaware of the origin of the Hub or the physics allowing it to exist in the first place, with the Hub having capacity to house a gate to each solar system with a habitable planet within 1,000 light-years. This is based on the existing, yet unstable, wormholes instances located within the Hub, with most researchers being of the opinion that the original builders of the region managed to create long-lasting yet volatile wormholes to all solar systems with habitable worlds. Based on the existing information available to the League, only thing required of those who have gained access to the Hub is that they construct the gates needed to stabilized the wormholes, and make them safe for travelers seeking to enter them. However, given the astronomical cost of building a wormhole gate, the League has within the last two centuries of its existence, only built 28 of the existing 126 gates. All of the other gates located within the Hub and their companion systems, pre-date the existence of the League and all of its constituent species.</strike>
===Black-water navy===