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Alithians believe that to maintain their good standing with God, all adherents of the Christian faith must continuously perform good works in the form of preaching, teaching, and baptizing, all in the manner of the first Christian and Teacher, Jesus Christ. They point to Matthew 28:19, 20, in which Jesus commanded his followers to "make disciples of all the nations", with emphases on the part where Jesus also explicitly stated "teaching them to observe all the things ''I have commanded you''". With this statement, Alithians view themselves as not only have to practice good works through the act of ministering to others, but also by observing all of the teachings of Christ before they can minister to others. Justification for one's salvation is not a "one-off" instance in which an individual is saved perpetually by virtue of their baptism alone. Rather, all good Christians in the Alithian sense, must practice what they preach and preach what they practice, so as to remain in line for salvation an everlasting life.
Because of this, all Alithians are required to partake in the ministry as a part of their worship, as it is tied to the acts of "good works" mentioned by Jesus Christ in TBD. Likewise, Alithians also point to the letter from the Apostle James speaking of carrying out good deeds in James 2:14. The apostle exclaimed that "faith without works" cannot save a Christian, as faith alone was no different from telling a naked and starving individual to "stay warm and well fed", and not providing them with food and clothing. For the Alithians, they must actively and aggressively practice and preach the teachings of Christ, as their faith, though acknowledged through the act of a public baptism in the name of Christ, hinges on their adherence of his teachings, which include preaching, teaching, and abstaining for certain acts and lifestyles. This differs from the Protestant stance, where works are a consequence of faith, not a requirement of faith. Alithians believe that works are a requirement that justifies their worship to God, which requires them to consistent maintain their faith through their works.