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User:Vivaporius/Sandbox/Alpha Centauri/I: Difference between revisions

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**'''Radius:''' 0.879 R
**'''Gravity:''' 0.898 g
*'''Population:''' 351353,259,910
:Set is an arid Earth-like world located in the closest orbit to the parent star of Apophis. Violently and xenophobic to outside powers or influence, the inhabitants of Set are fiercely-independent and suspicious of their brethren. The descendants of prisoners, exiles, and undesirables within [SPECIES] society, the inhabitants of Set have good reason to dislike their peers within the rest of the nation. Having been booted off to the barely-habitable surface of Set, the population has long had to struggle to scrap together a semi-viable existence without being entirely dependent upon federal aid. Because of the "less than ideal" economic situation on the planet, Set is blanketed with crime, poverty, and desperation. The local economy exists mainly to supply the rest of the system with processed mineral ores and heavy industry, though the more advanced sectors of the local economy are either still in their infancy or non-existent entirely, forcing the population to rely upon Amun-Ra and Osiris for support.
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